In December, the
Regulatory Information Service Center published the semiannual Regulatory
Plan and Unified Agenda for 29 federal agencies, which
details significant regulations each agency plans to publish in
2008. As for 2007 . . . keep reading.
FAC 2005-16 (March 22)
1. Implementation of Wage
Determinations Online (WDOL) (FAR Case 2005-033) Final Rule
This final
rule implemented the DOL's Wage
Determinations Online (WDOL) website and directed federal
contracting agencies to obtain wage determinations from that
site for service contracts subject to the Service Contract Act
(SCA) and construction contracts subject to the Davis-Bacon
Act. Thus, agencies will now use the "e98" process
instead of paper forms 98, 98a, and 99, which are deleted from
the FAR. The rule also incorporated new geographical
jurisdictions for DOL�s Wage and Hour Regional Offices and
eliminates FAR references to the Government Printing Office
(GPO) publication of general wage determinations.
or Cancellation of Purchase Orders (FAR Case 2005-029)
This rule corrected an inadvertent omission of a
reference to FAR
13.302-4(a) in FAR
52.212-4(l) or (m) to make it clear that, if a contractor
has accepted a purchase order in writing, the Contracting
Officer has an option to terminate that purchase order for
cause, if appropriate.
Contracts with Religious Entities (FAR Case 2006-019) Interim
This interim rule
amended the regulations at FAR
Subpart 22.8 and the associated clause at FAR
52.222-26 to make it clear that religious entities
may consider employment of individuals of a particular religion
to perform work connected with carrying on the entity�s
activities without violating any Equal Opportunity Employment (EEO)
requirements. These entities, however, remain subject to other
Equal Opportunity requirements.
Contract Terms and Conditions Required to Implement Statues or
Executive Orders--Commercial Items (FAR Case 2006-012) Final
The final rule revised the
FAR to update the required contract clauses that implement
provisions of law or executive orders for acquisitions of
commercial items.
2005-17 (May 15)
Significant and extensive revisions were made to various FAR provisions covering government
2005-18 (July 5)
New requirements
were placed on small businesses to re-certify
their size status at various times during long-term contracts,
and a new contract clause wass been added to implement these new
requirements: FAR
52.219�28 Post-Award Small Business Program Representation.
FAC 2005-19 (August 17)
1. Reporting of Purchases from
Overseas Sources (FAR Case 2005-034) Final Rule
A new provision (FAR
52.225-18) required an offeror to indicate whether the place
of manufacture of the end products it expects to provide in
response to a solicitation is predominantly inside or outside
the United States. Whenever the place of manufacture is outside
the United States, the Contracting Officer is required to
enter into FPDS the reason for buying items manufactured outside
the United States. In addition, the new rule clarified different
tests used to determine the country of origin (FAR
25.001) under the Buy American Act and the Trade Agreements
Lobbying Restrictions (FAR Case 2005-035) Final Rule
The FAR now (i) includes (a) the new concept of
"lobbying contact" (see FAR
52.203-11(a) Certification and Disclosure Regarding Payments
to Influence Certain Foreign Transactions (Sep 2007)) and (b)
the concept of registrants under the Lobbying Act of 1995 (see
52.203-11(d)); (ii) reflects OMB guidance (a) that the term
"appropriated funds" does not include profit or fee
from a covered Federal action and (b) that, to the extent the
contractor can demonstrate that the contractor has sufficient
monies, other than Federal appropriated funds, the Government
will assume that these other monies were spent for any
influencing activities that would be unallowable if paid for
with Federal appropriated funds (FAR
3.802(a)(2); FAR
52.203-12 (b)(2)); (iii) formalizes the changes that were
already incorporated in the OMB Form Standard Form LLL,
Disclosure of Lobbying Activities; and (iv) removes 31
U.S.C. 1352, (Limitations on Payment to Influence Certain
Federal Transactions) from the list of laws that are
inapplicable to subcontracts for the acquisition of commercial
Online Representations and Certifications (FAR Case 2005-025)
Final Rule
final rule adopted without change the interim rule originally
published as 71 FR 57362 (Sept. 28, 2006) and amended the FAR to
eliminate confusion between the FAR record retention
requirements at FAR 4.803 and the requirements at FAR Subpart
4.12. The latter (4.12)
requires contractors to submit Annual Representations and
Certifications via the Online Representations and Certifications
Application (ORCA), a part of the Business Partner Network,
which eliminates the administrative burden for contractors of
repeatedly submitting the same information to various
contracting offices.
Requirement to Purchase Approved Authentication Products and
Services (FAR Case 2005�017) Final Rule
4-1301 and 4-1302
now address the acquisition of products and services for
personal identity verification that comply with requirements in
Homeland Security Presidential Directive (HSPD) 12, ��Policy
for a Common Identification Standard for Federal Employees and
Contractors,�� and Federal Information Processing Standards
Publication (FIPS PUB) 201, "Personal Identity Verification
of Federal Employees and Contractors." See also FAR
52.204-9: Personal Identity Verification of Contractor Personnel
(Sep. 2007).
Combating Trafficking in Persons (FAR Case 2005-012) Revised
Interim Rule
subpart 22.17 was amended to implement 22
U.S.C. 7104(g), which requires that contracts must include a
clause that authorizes the department or agency to terminate the
contract if the contractor, contractor employee, subcontractor,
or subcontractor employee engages in trafficking in persons. The
revised interim rule provides for contract termination for
engaging in severe forms of trafficking in persons or
procurement of a commercial sex act during the period of
performance of the contract and provides for contract
termination for use of forced labor in the performance of the
contract. The revised interim rule applies to all contracts,
including those for services and supplies and those for commercial
Emergency Acquisitions (FAR Case 2005-038) Final Rule
interim rule published at 71 Fed Reg 38247 (July 5, 2006) was
converted to a final rule, with several changes. FAR
subpart 18.2 was amended to provide a consolidated
reference to acquisition flexibilities that may be used during
emergency situations. This rule is intended to improve a
Contracting Officer�s ability to expedite acquisition of
supplies and services during emergency situations.
Small Business Credit for Alaska Native Tribes and Indian
Corporations (FAR Case 2004-017) Final Rule
subpart 19.7 was amended to provide that contractors may
count subcontracts awarded to Alaskan Native Corporations (ANCs)
and Indian tribes (regardless of their size) towards the
satisfaction of goals for subcontracting with small
business and small disadvantaged business concerns.
New Designated Countries--Dominican Republic, Bulgaria, Romania
(FAR Case 2006-028 ) Interim Rule
interim rule allowed Contracting Officers to purchase the
goods and services of the Dominican Republic (because of a new
trade agreement with it), as well as Bulgaria and Romania
(because they have become parties to the World Trade
Organization Government Procurement Agreement), without
application of the Buy American Act if the acquisition is
subject to Free Trade Agreements.
9. Online
Representations and Certifications Application (ORCA) Review
(FAR Case 2006-025) Interim Rule
interim rule amended FAR
23.406 and 23.906,
to harmonize them with the solicitation provision and contract
clause they prescribe (FAR
52.223�9 and 52.223�14).
Free Trade Agreements El Salvador, Honduras, and Nicaragua (FAR
Case 2006-006) Final Rule
final rule converted the interim rule published at 71
Fed Reg 36935 (June 28, 2006) to a final rule without
change and permits Contracting Officers to purchase the products
of El Salvador, Honduras, and Nicaragua without application of
the Buy American Act if the acquisition is subject to the
Dominican Republic, Central America, United States Free Trade
Free Trade Agreements Bahrain and Guatemala (FAR Case 2006-017)
Final Rule
final rule converted the interim rule published at 71
Fed Reg 67776 (Nov. 22, 2006) to a final rule without change
and permits Contracting Officers to purchase the goods and
services of Bahrain and Guatemala without application of the Buy
American Act if the acquisition is subject to Free Trade
FAR was amended
to add the clause at 52.219�16
(Liquidated Damages Subcontracting Plan) to the list of clauses FAR
52.212�5 that the contracting officer may select to use in
contracts for commercial items.
2005-20 (September 6)
As a pilot
program (scheduled to terminate January 1, 2009), awardees
of contracts whose values equal or exceed $500 million, which
are awarded, and to be performed in, the United States, must
report all first tier subcontract awards exceeding $1 million to
the Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act of 2006
("FFATA") database at
2005-21 (November 7)
SAFETY Act: Implementation of DHS Regulations (FAR Case 2006�023)
Interim Rule
interim rule implemented
the SAFETY Act, which provides incentives for the development
and deployment of anti-terrorism technologies.
Biobased Products Preference Program (FAR Case 2004-032) Final
rule established procurement preferences for the use of biobased
products (the list of bio-preferred products can be found here).
FAR Part 27 Rewrite in Plain Language (FAR Case 1999-042) Final
Part 27 (Patents Data and Copyrights) was rewritten using
Federal Computer Network (FACNET) Architecture (FAR Case
2006-015) Final Rule
final rule removed
outdated FACENET references from the FAR.
Exemption of Certain Service Contracts from the Service Contract
Act (SCA) (FAR Case 2001-004) Interim Rule
This interim rule exempted
certain contracts involving commercial-type services from the Service
Contract Act, to be consistent with a DOL rule at 66 Fed.
Reg. 5327 (Jan. 18, 2001).
Local Community Recovery Act of 2006 (FAR Case 2006-014) Interim
second interim rule implemented Congressional amendments to the
Stafford Act and establishes requirements for transitioning
work to local firms in the geographic area affected by a
disaster or emergency and for justifying expenditures to
entities outside the major disaster or emergency area.
Labor Standards for Contracts Containing Construction
Requirements--Contract Pricing Method References (FAR Case
2007-001) Final Rule
rule removed the term R.S.
Means Cost Estimating System from FAR 22.404-12(c)(2).
2005-22 (November 23)
FAC includes two
The first (FAR Case 2006-008) implemented Section 104 of
the Energy Policy Act of 2005, which provides that all
acquisitions of energy consuming products and all contracts that
involve the furnishing of energy-consuming products require
acquisition of ENERGY STAR or Federal
Energy Management Program (FEMP) designated products.
The second (FAR Case 2006-007) amended FAR Parts 2, 3, and
52 to address the requirements for a
contractor code of business ethics and conduct and the
display of Office of the Inspector General (OIG) Fraud Hotline
FAC 2005-23 (December 26)
Electronic Products Environmental Assessment Tool (EPEAT) (FAR
Case 2006�030) Interim Rule
subpart 23.7 and the associated solicitation/contrast
provisions were amended to require use of the Electronic Products
Environmental Assessment Tool (EPEAT)
when acquiring personal computer products such as desktops,
laptops, and monitors pursuant to the Energy Policy Act of 2005
and Executive Order 13423, "Strengthening Federal
Environmental, Energy, and Transportation Management."
Contracts With Religious Entities (FAR Case 2006�019) Final
final rule adopted, without changes, the prior interim rule published
March 22 which exempts religious
institutions from certain EEOC obligations so that they may
consider employment of individuals of a particular religion to
perform work connected with carrying on the entity�s
Performance-Based Payments (FAR Case 2005�016) Final Rule
final rule amended FAR
sections 32.1000 through 32.1009 to increase the use of performance-based
payments as the method of contract financing on government
contracts and improve the efficiency of performance based
payments when used on these contracts.
Department of Defense FAR Supplement (DFARS)
In January, the DoD published an interim DFARS
rule to implement section 833(b) of the NDAA for FY 2006, which expands the
foreign source restrictions applicable to the acquisition of
clothing in the so-called Berry Amendment to include clothing
materials and components (other than sensors,
electronics, or other items added to, and not normally
associated with, clothing). Clothing includes items such as
outerwear, headwear, underwear, nightwear, footwear, hosiery,
hand wear, belts, badges, and insignia. The DoD also issued a
final rule to add policy and a required contract clause
requiring contractors to provide prompt notice of potential safety
issues under DoD contracts. The final rule includes a new
contract clause requiring contractors to notify the Government
of any nonconformance or deficiency that could impact the safety
of items acquired by or serviced for the Government. An interim
rule was published, which provides a single reference to a new
DFARS Part 218 covering DoD-unique procedures that may be used
to facilitate acquisition of supplies and services during emergency
Several amendments to the DFARS were issued in February,
involving: (i) Aviation Into-plane Reimbursement (AIR)
cards for purchasing fuel at commercial airports; (ii) free
trade agreements involving Honduras, El Salvador, and
Nicaragua (implementing the Dominican Republic-Central
America-United States Free Trade Agreement, which waives the
applicability of the Buy American Act for some foreign supplies
and construction materials and specifies procurement procedures
designed to ensure fairness); (iii) Berry
amendment exceptions involving perishable food and seafood;
(iv) relocating certain procedures related to processing
protests, disputes,
and appeals from the DFARS to the Procedures, Guidance, and
Information (PGI)
document; and (v) radio frequency identification
tags (requiring contractors to affix passive RFID tags at
the case and palletized unit load levels when shipping packaged
petroleum, lubricants, oils, preservatives, chemicals,
additives, construction and barrier materials, and medical
materials to specified DoD
DoD corrected some previously published per
diem rates for overseas, non-foreign travel.
DoD suspended
(for one year) its 10% price evaluation preference for SDBs.
Several amendments were published in the DFARS in April,
relating to DOL wage
determinations, small business programs,
excessive pass-through
charges on subcontract costs, Guam military
construction, and separation of government procurement
functions to ensure acquisition
An interim rule published in August establishes an evaluation
criterion concerning experience for use in obtaining carriage
of cargo by vessel.
The DFARS also was amended
to implement certain Berry amendment requirements concerning
restrictions on foreign sources of clothing and related items
and publicizing requirements concerning such restrictions.
The DFARS was amended to make final (with some changes) an interim
rule delineating requirements that must be met before a tiered
evaluation may be used in a government solicitation.
In September, DoD (i) adopted,
without change, the
interim rule specifying DoD-unique acquisition flexibilities
that may be used to purchase supplies and services during
emergency situations; (ii) adopted (again, without change) the
interim rule limiting situations in which major
weapons systems may be purchased as commercial items; (iii)
adopted (without change) the
interim rule clarifying procedures for reimbursing
labor costs on non-commercial time-and-materials and
labor-hour contracts; (iv) published an interim rule
concerning assessing technical
data needs when purchasing major weapons systems and
subsystems; (v) issued a final rule prohibiting service
contracts for military
flight simulators absent certain waiver criteria; (vi)
extended until September 30, 2009, the period during which
private contractor security
guards may be used on military facilities to respond to
terrorist situations; and (vii) issued a proposed rule regarding
evaluating offers to utilize members of the Selected
Reserve to perform contracts as individuals or as
Effective for one year beginning November
14, the DoD waived the limitations of 10
U.S.C. 2534 to allow procurement of 8
listed items (e.g., enclosed lifeboats) from sources in the
United Kingdom.
In a final
rule that generated numerous and lengthy comments and
critiques, the DoD added a paragraph 212.570 to the DFARS, which
reads as follows: "Paragraph (a)(1) of 10 U.S.C. 2533b,
Requirement to buy strategic materials critical to national
security from American sources, is not applicable to contracts
and subcontracts for the acquisition of commercially available
off-the-shelf items." The new rule also adds the following
new paragraph (q) to the list of exceptions under Part
225 ("Foreign Acquisition") of the DFARS:
"(q) Acquisitions of commercially available off-the-shelf
items containing specialty metals. This exception does not apply
when the specialty metal (e.g., raw stock) is acquired directly
by the Government or by a prime contractor for delivery to the
Government as the end item."
DoD (DFARS Case 2001-D015)
added a clause to the DFARS that is essentially the same as the
"Patent Rights--Retention by the Contractor (Long
Form)" clause that was recently
removed from the FAR because the DoD was the only agency
using it. The new DoD clause (252.227-7038) is entitled "Patent
Rights--Ownership by the Contractor (Large Business)"
and is to be used in contracts for experimental, developmental,
or research work. At the same time, the DoD has removed the
clause at 252.227-7034 (Patents-Subcontracts) as no longer
Commerce Department
Commerce Department revised the Commerce
Control List (CCL) of the Export Administration Regulations
(EAR) to harmonize it with the Wassenaar Arrangement Plenary
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)
issued a final rule
under the Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA) to comply
with the Supreme Court's decision in General
Dynamics Land Systems, Inc. v. Cline. The new regulations
provide that only discrimination against an individual based on
old age is prohibited and that employers are not prohibited from
favoring relatively older individuals.
Energy Department (DOE)
Energy Department issued revised
regulations regarding cooperative audit arrangements for
management and operating contracts.
General Services Administration (GSA)
The GSA revised its Acquisition Regulations (GSAR) to implement Section
833 of the John Warner NDAA for
FY 2007 (Pub. L. 109�364), which amends 40 U.S.C. 502
to authorize the Administrator of General Services to allow
state and local governments to use Federal Supply
Schedules for purchases of products and services to be used to
facilitate recovery
from a major disaster, terrorism or nuclear, biological,
chemical, or radiological attack.
The GSA revised various CONUS lodging and meal daily allowances
in the FTR.
The GSA also revised
the FTR to change the per diem/lodging rates for quite a few
locations; the agency issued still more revised per
diem rates for non-foreign, overseas travel. The
GSA amended the Federal
Travel Regulation (FTR) to change the mileage
reimbursement rate for use of private autos to $0.485 per
The GSA issued an interim
rule establishing rules of procedure for the Civilian Board
of Contract Appeals.
Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
adopted a final
rule (48 C.F.R. 2409.7001) applying its prior debarment and
suspension requirements to its procurement contracts.
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
NASA amended
its FAR Supplement to clarify factors for award fee
evaluation and for documenting cost/benefit analyses on award
fee contracts.
Navy Department
Navy adopted a policy (SECNAV
Instruction 5800.15) authorizing Contracting Officers to use
binding arbitration for resolving procurement contract disputes.
Office of Federal Contract Compliance
Programs (OFCCP)
OFCCP published new
regulations concerning affirmative action and
nondiscrimination regarding disabled veterans, recently
separated veterans, other protected veterans, and "armed
forces service medal" veterans, which became effective on
September 7, 2007, for covered contracts and modifications
entered into after December 1, 2003. The regulations appear in a
significantly revised 41 CFR Chapter
Office of Federal Procurement Policy (OFPP)
threshold for CAS
applicability has been increased to $650,000 to match TINA.
The CAS Board also proposed
adding a CAS clause for use in contracts awarded to foreign
firms. A final rule was
adopted regarding CAS coverage for UK contractors.
The OFPP issued a final rule
exempting T&M and Labor Hour contracts for commercial items
from the application of Cost Accounting Standards. The rule
appears in 48
CFR Chapter 99.
The OFPP issued guidance
to all agencies concerning the maximum allowable senior
executive benchmark compensation for federal contracts for FY
Office of Government
The Office of Government Ethics issued revised
regulations exempting certain senior government positions
from the one-year post employment conflict-of-interest
Postal Service (USPS)
Postal Service made several revisions to its regulations
regarding the purchase of property and services to comply with
GAO recommendations.
Small Business Administration (SBA)
The SBA denied a request to waive the nonmanufacturer
rule for Demountable Cargo Containers Manufacturing (Dry
Freight Containers/Connex Boxes).
The agency amended its
small business size regulations by incorporating the Office
of Management and Budget�s (OMB) 2007 modifications of the
North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) in its
table of small business size standards.
It also issued a notice of intent to waive
the nonmanufacturer rule for re-refining used petroleum
lubricating oils.
Effective January 4, 2008, the agency waived the
nonmanufacturer rule for various MRI
and PET medical devices. It also is waiving the rule for X-ray
equipment and supplies.
The SBA proposed to amend its regulations governing small
business contracting procedures as well as its procurement
regulations to provide greater contracting opportunities for women-owned
small businesses (WOSB). The most significant revisions are the additions of a
new Part 127 (Women-Owned Small Business Federal Contract
Assistance Procedures) to 13 C.F.R. and a new Subpart G to Part
134 of the same title to establish procedures for the appeal of
WOSB status and economically disadvantaged WOSB (EDWOSB)
status to the SBA's Office of Hearings and Appeals (OHA).
Comments are due by February 25, 2008.
Finally, the SBA proposed to incorporate SBA's
risk-based lender
oversight program into SBA regulations in order to provide
oversight of financial institutions that originate and manage
SBA guaranteed loans.
State Department
State Department made certain changes to the ITAR
relating to Libya and Venezuela and amended the ITAR Munitions
List Category XV--Spacecraft Systems and Associated
Equipment. It also added a
section that lists countries embargoed
by the United Nations and prohibits arms sales to such
It added a new
solicitation provision and contract clause to its procurement
regulations to implement requirements regarding security
issues for information technology systems, as mandated by the
Federal Information Security Management Act of 2002 (FISMA), and
it issued various technical
corrections to its acquisition regulations. Finally, it
issued Trade Agreements Act procurement
thresholds to implement E.O. 12260.
Agency for International Development (USAID)
USAID proposed to consolidate all its regulations for personal
services direct contracts into one appendix. It also
proposed to amend its acquisition regulations to provide
additional authority for contracting officers to monitor
compliance with subcontracting
Appropriations Act for fiscal 2008 was finally signed in
The NDAA Bill for
FY 2008 was
presented to the President for signature on December 19, but he vetoed it.